Friday, June 24, 2011

Now I know its been forever since I have posted on here! I am sorry my attention span is very short and updating this isn't the quickest thing in the world. But never the less I am updating it now! Now I know its been forever since I have posted on here! I am sorry my attention span is very short and updating this isn't the quickest thing in the world. But never the less I am updating it now!
These shots were from a Skateboarding/Biking Demo with the local skate park team at Grand Rapids Elementary School. They are really a great group of guys. The goal is to get the word out about the skate park and give the kids a positive outlet for them in the skating and biking world. There is a lot going on with this group and I am so excited to be a part of it. I can assure there will be way more to come in the future! So stay tuned for more from this group!

This is Don the Marlin Brando of the group, he is the head of this organization. He is a great guy and really wants to help the other guys in the group and get this project up and running. Very excited to work with him on several future projects!

Ian is one of the tech brains behind this operation. I have a good feeling that me and him could work very well together in the future.

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